How to talk to Gen Z in five emojis or less

11:00-12:00  |  Friday, 10 March |  Hall 4.1 ITB Berlin stage
Shared, socially inclusive spaces that encourage human interaction have always been at the core of youth hostels, but social concepts have been embraced by Millennials more broadly and in new, digitized forms, fuelling the adoption and growth of crowdsourcing, the sharing and gig economies, and messaging consisting entirely of emojis. Is Generation Z ‘social’ in the same ways that we think they are and are you communicating effectively with them?

This panel will discuss the new rules of communicating with youth travellers – what are the biggest shifts and how is business as usual changing as a result? Panellists will discuss what they have learned from communicating with Gen Z and how they expect communication preferences and styles will evolve as this generation matures alongside of technological and social trends.

Moderated by: Rhett LegoFounder & CEO, The Conjoint Marketing Group

Marc Buchegger, Tour Radar
Emmanuelle Legault, Destination Canada
Dom Carter, What Marketing Company
Jens Wiesehöfer, KB&B – The Kids Group