Work Experience Travel Market & IAPA Annual Conference 2014, London, United Kingdom

Develop your business and the industry at WETM-IAC

wetm logo 1In addition to providing an excellent business opportunity for attending organisations, the conference serves as an engaging forum for the development of the work and travel and cultural exchange community.

WETM-IAC enables delegates to help shape their business and the industry for tomorrow.

At the conference, delegates can take part in best practice discussions and case study reviews, in addition to meeting with national and global trade associations representing the various sectors in your community.

Global Trade Associations @ WETM-IAC 2014

International Au Pair Association
WYSE Travel Confederation
WYSE Work Abroad Association

The benefits of attending WETM-IAC:

  • Pre-scheduled business appointments exclusive to the senders and receivers in cultural exchange, work experience and au pair industries
  •  Trusted trading partners with proven products
  • Sector targeted world-class expertise
  • Develop and maintain customer relations
  • Accelerate speed to market of products and services

International Au Pair (IAPA) Annual General Meeting

The IAPA Annual Conference is the Associationâ??s most important annual event. Providing its members a forum to discuss the challenges and solutions for the community and the opportunity to trade and conduct business amongst members and invited outside organisations. Additionally, the conference hosts the presentation of the Au Pair of the Year award.

Taking advantage of the business and trade muscle of the Work Experience Travel Market, the event enables IAPA members and attending au pair organisations looking to diversify into other aspects of work experience, the opportunity to meet and conduct business with more than 250 specialists in work and travel programmes.