
WYSE Travel Confederation

Annual General Meeting

Soprano A&B Suite, Hyatt Regency Montreal,

1255 Jeanne-Mance Street, CP 130 Montreal Quebec

Tuesday 26 September 2017


Draft Agenda


1. Call to order

a. Election of AGM Chairman

2. Introduction of Board Members

3. Approval of previous minutes of WYSE Travel Confederation General Meeting

4. Adoption of the Agenda

5. Management Board Elections

a. Non-executive directors – binding nominations
b. Appointment of Management Board Chairman

6. Report on Confederation activities

7. Report on Confederation finances

a. WYSE Travel Confederation results to date and year end forecast
b. WYSE Travel Confederation budget 2018

8. Appointment of auditors

9. Membership report

a. General report
b. Member ratification

10. Site of WYSTC 2018

11. Any other business

12. Date of next AGM