New Millennial Traveller II report – download your copy now

The Millennial Traveller II report, the second in WYSE Travel Confederation’s Millennial Traveller series, focuses on four types of services utilised by millennial travellers: travel agents, airlines, tour operators and hostels.

Key findings of the report cover:

  • Planning and booking preferences
  • Factors that influence travel purchases and decisions
  • Opinions on products and services.

This latest report is part of a series based on the results of the Millennial Traveller survey, which was completed by more than 6,000 travellers aged 18 – 30 from over 100 countries last year.

Free for WYSE Travel Confederation members

This report is available free of charge to WYSE Travel Confederation members.



If you are not a member, download our FREE executive summary, or purchase the full report for just EUR 99.95.



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