Title: The trust advantage: Protecting your reputation in the face of adversity
Date: Tuesday, 9 June 2015 (recording available)
Time: 17:00 – 18:00 CEST
Presenter: Jeff Chatterton, Checkmate Public Affairs
You probably deal with difficult customers every day, but what do you do when a client does something that results in injury or even death?
Before it’s too late, join Jeff Chatterton of Checkmate Public Affairs during the next WYSE webinar for practical advice on dealing with unruly customers wreaking havoc, careless mishaps gone viral, and unthinkable misfortunes.
During this session you will learn…
- The secret to tackling an upset customer, neighbour or stakeholder and leaving them with a smile on their face
- The four emotional ingredients that you need in order to be trusted by clients and potential clients
- When to respond to a negative review and when to let it go
- How to respond when people are demanding answers, but won’t like what you’re going to tell them.
Meet your presenter
Jeff Chatterton is a high risk and crisis communications consultant, who specialises in the travel and tourism industries. Jeff is one of those people you don’t realise you need in your corner until it’s too late. Jeff’s company, Checkmate Public Affairs, works with international travel businesses intent on protecting their reputation in the face of political unrest, negative media headlines, or just plain old difficult clients.
Free for members
WYSE webinars are free for members of WYSE Travel Confederation. Not a member? Consider joining by checking out WYSE membership options. Non-members may join WYSE webinars at a cost of EUR 75 per webinar or EUR 250 for the entire 2015 webinar series. Contact education@wysetc.org for more information.