Industry Partners

WYSE Travel Confederation has a growing number of Industry Partners; organisations that represent and provide products and services to the youth, student and educational travel sector.

We encourage our Industry Partners to join the debate, and become active participants in initiatives and events alongside our community. This level of involvement delivers the benefit of close association with the world’s leading youth, student and educational travel industry brands, as well as important networking opportunities.

Industry Partnership is by invitation only and provides a unique and exclusive path to building relationships with the decision makers within the youth, student and educational travel sector.

Our NEW corporate partner: travelcuts / Merit Travel Group 


As one of the more than 400 member organisations that comprise WYSE Travel Confederation, travelcuts has roots in the youth travel industry that span over five decades, catering to the international travel planning and booking needs of young explorers.

“Our See the World Your Way philosophy fits perfectly with WYSE Travel Confederation’s own belief that youth and student travel positively impacts lives, relationships and communities,” says Jason Merrithew, Vice President at travelcuts. “We appreciate that WYSE Travel Confederation is dedicated to promoting and developing opportunities for young travellers and the youth, student and educational travel industry that serves them, so we’re proud to enter into this agreement with them.”

David Chapman, Director General of WYSE Travel Confederation, explains: “The overall impact of the agreement is a real positive for the industry. It allows us to travel more extensively to help to open up new destinations for young travellers, and by extension to help generate more revenue opportunities for our members. In addition, having a globally recognised name like travelcuts or Merit Travel Group featured alongside our own, only adds to our status as the world’s most powerful and extensive network of youth and student travel professionals.”

Our airline partner: Emirates Airline

Emirates-logo-red-squareOur partnership with Emirates Airline is facilitating the WYSTC 2017 hosted buyer programme, to include return flights, accommodation and event registration.

Tim Lowther, Manager Leisure Market and Special Segments in Emirates Global Sales, explained: “WYSTC is a fantastic forum in which buyers and sellers from across the world can meet, learn and inspire one another, plus drive the industry forward. We are proud to play a role in bringing these parties together for the ultimate benefit of enhanced programmes and opportunities for youth travellers.


Our WYSTC 2017 partners

We have partnered with Destination Canada and International Experience Canada to bring you WYSTC 2017 in Montreal, Canada. Since 1995, Destination Canada has been collaborating with tourism industry partners to promote Canada internationally as a premier four-season tourism destination. International Experience Canada is a government agency facilitating inbound and outbound international youth travel. The support of these organizations is vital to the success of the 26th year of the World Youth and Student Travel Conference.