Please read the following announcement from English Australia Chair, Marc Weedon-Newstead:
“Mrs Sue Blundell will be retiring from her role as Executive Director of English Australia later this year. The Board of English Australia commenced the recruitment for Sue’s successor in February and after an extensive search process I am pleased to be able to announce that Mr Brett Blacker has been appointed to the position of Chief Executive Officer of English Australia.
Many of you will be familiar with Brett through his work as the current President of the International Education Association of Australia, IEAA. This role and his previous work with Perth Education City have provided him with a depth of experience in the leadership of membership based organisations with an international education focus. Brett also brings with him the insights and knowledge of the industry gained through his leadership of the International Offices of Newcastle and Murdoch Universities, and through his work across all education sectors as a senior manager with OSHC Worldcare, Mondial Assistance (Allianz Global Assistance).
The Board and I are confident that Brett brings with him the breadth of experience, the skills and the personal qualities that will enable him to effectively advance the interests of the members of English Australia. We look forward to welcoming Brett and working with him as the CEO of English Australia, the national peak body for the English language teaching sector of the international education industry.
With her retirement now only a few months away, I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the excellent work that Sue has done over the past 13 years as Executive Director of English Australia. Her dedication and commitment to the mission of English Australia have benefited not only the members of the association but the industry more broadly and her presence will be greatly missed.
The Board has sought to enable the smoothest possible transition, consequently Brett will take up his new role in mid August which will allow for a handover period working with Sue before she retires at the end of September.”